
Eternal Approach


The Preserved Words of God

Who Moved the . . . Bread of Life?

Bread Round by Webandi from Pixabay

I heard a sermon a while back given by Dr. DA Waite of The Bible for Today ministries out of Collingswood, New Jersey.

He was discussing the battle for the Masoretic Hebrew text and the Greek Textus Receptus. The texts that were the foundation of the Bible long before 1881. Which was the year that two men, Brooke Foss Wescott and Fenton John Anthony Hort, introduced a new text upon the world.

A text that would introduce corruption in the church by destroying confidence in the purity of God’s words.

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When A.I. ReWrites the Bible

Robot writing on Laptop

I was watching Glenn Beck yesterday on YouTube. He was discussing a report about criminals who are using A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) voice fakes to scam people.

The discussion also revealed that A.I. has been rewriting the biblical book of Genesis. Changing a bit here and a bit there to promote A.I.’s own cultural, moral, and philosophical “preferences”.

(Which would definitely be a more cultural-friendly translation than the KJV I use.)

Which makes me wonder what the Christians who’ve been using the new translations (those other than the KJV) will say about all this?

Or, to put it another way, how in the heck Christians are going to defend the accuracy of their popular Bible texts against the corruptions that A.I. will inevitably produce?

And what foundation such Christians are still presuming to stand upon? When they are challenged to defend the scriptures they claim are divinely inspired of God?

Continue reading “When A.I. ReWrites the Bible”

Is Your Bible Perfect?

Large real maze above

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (I Peter 1:20-25)

In earlier posts, we’ve often discussed the doctrine of the Preservation of God’s word – of the specific written words. And we’ve talked about how Inspiration and Preservation are absolutely inseparable.

Because God would not go to all the trouble to divinely breathe out His perfect words to men and then allow those same words to somehow disappear from the earth. Or to suffer corruption in any way. Not leaving them to disappear due to the fallibility of men.

This would consign men to seek for God’s lost truth. Struggling, over the millennia, to locate and piece together some nebulous, vague text; and then, if some supposedly genuine text was found, to arrogantly call it “the Word of God”.

And then demand that men keep and follow every word God has commanded.

That would be a ridiculous thing for anyone to demand. To actually require belief in the inerrancy of such uncertain words. Words that God was supposedly unable to preserve; but which religious scholars were able to recover due to their great wisdom, intellect, and devotion.

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Discouraging Words

Ignorance Sign

These days Christian leaders have less confidence in the words of God and more in the general message of the Bible.

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Bible Preservation Study Resources

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Words Mean Things: Conclusion – If the Foundation is Destroyed

Ancient Scroll on Table

The answer to all this is common sense.

Over the last 5 years, many of these posts have discussed the Textus Receptus (Greek New Testament) and the Masoretic Text (Hebrew Old Testament). These are the preserved texts upon which we must base any translations that are made.

These are what have historically been called, the Received Text.

The only translation today, that is based solely on these texts is the King James Version. Whether you like that translation or not, it is an accurate one. And it is based on perfect copies of the original texts.

The preserved texts are copies of copies that God, in His sovereignty, has kept in accurate, word-for-word form. Supernaturally overseeing the copying process from one generation to the next.

Continue reading “Words Mean Things: Conclusion – If the Foundation is Destroyed”

Words Mean Things : Part 3 – A Pocket Full of Translations

Tall Stack

Any leader today can claim to believe the essence of truth.

And there is little that the Christian, standing upon the modern texts, can say to correct him. Because the words in the modern texts are like shifting sand.

And, as such, promise neither accuracy nor authority.

Oh, wait. Correction. They DO promise those things. They just can’t deliver on those things.
Continue reading “Words Mean Things : Part 3 – A Pocket Full of Translations”

Words Mean Things: Part 2 – What IS the Word of God?

Elephant in Refrig

This all comes down to what the word of God truly is?

Do we believe that the word of God is the actual words written on a page many thousands of years ago? Or do we believe that the word of God is the essence of truth, or the general idea of truth, or some other phrase that conveys the idea that God meant to convey?

As opposed to the very specific words themselves.

You see, we have a very real problem here. And it is the elephant in the room within the biblical church. The elephant we pretend is not there.

Continue reading “Words Mean Things: Part 2 – What IS the Word of God?”

Words Mean Things

Good Bad Words

OK. I borrowed this phrase from Rush. Rush Limbaugh, that is.

It’s a simple phrase that carries profound meaning.

Specifically, that a word holds a precise meaning. And it conveys an idea with boundaries.

A word has limitations of meaning dictated by rules of language, context, and culture.

Unlike feelings that are fuzzy, nebulous and fleeting, a word has weight and form.

Like a stone.

Continue reading “Words Mean Things”

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