
Eternal Approach


May 2017

Reckoning Ground


Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:11)

In previous posts, we have discussed the biblical foundation of our “reckoning”. Some call this the “reckoning of Faith”. Watchman Nee discusses this in greater detail in his book, The Normal Christian Life (which I heartily recommend).

The point today is that “Reckoning” can often be misunderstood. Even by those who have understood God’s truth on these matters.

For example, our victory in Christ is based purely on faith. It is based upon the specific words and phrases of scripture that God has inspired that tell us how we are “crucified with Christ“. (Galatians 2:20 ).

This is a fact. It is an eternal reality when we trust Christ as our Savior.

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The Worship of Science


Wherever you go these days, you will hear someone say that education is the answer to the world’s problems. That the lack of proper education is at the core of wars, intolerance and a host of other evils.

Now, I truly do not know how anyone survives without being able to read. That is critical. On so many levels. Life opens up like a flower when we can read.

At that point, however, we have a great many decisions to make. What to read? What to study? What to believe about what we read?

But when we talk about “education”, we are really talking about philosophy. Because, the materials we decide to read become the foundation of all that we believe.

In other words, we choose the sources of truth.

Continue reading “The Worship of Science”

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