
Eternal Approach


April 2020

Outside the Camp

Solitary walk on ridge

Let us go forth therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing his reproach.” (Hebrews 13:13)

When the Lord rode into Jerusalem on a colt, about a week before He would go to the cross, the people shouted and praised Him and spread palm branches and clothes in His path. (Matthew 21)

But the Lord knew that this would not last. He knew that He would soon hang on a cross outside the holy city. He would be despised and rejected of men. Cast out from the religious system and the world’s culture.

Continue reading “Outside the Camp”

Morning Has Broken

Lilly Reflection Clouds

Spring Arrives in the Valley

Hello Everyone,

Just took a break this week to finish a short slideshow of some of my photography work over the years. I live in North Eastern Ohio; not too far from the Cuyahoga Valley.

I’ve spent a lot of time in my life hiking all the Valley trails. Most of these photos are from that area. With a few nearer my hometown in Wadsworth.

Hope this gives you a lift during all the dark times we have been going through. Hope you are all doing well.

In His Grace,



The Satisfaction of God: Conclusion – What Does It Take?

Sunrise Wide Rays

There is a dangerous error which concerns the traditions of discipline practiced within popular Christianity and within many other religions of the world.

This teaching promotes a false basis for how we approach and commune with God. And for how we may please God.  

Continue reading “The Satisfaction of God: Conclusion – What Does It Take?”

The Satisfaction of God

Storm Lightning Orange Clouds

In recent posts, we talked about discipline and self denial as commonly practiced within “the church”.

All of these practices are based on a popular presumption about how to please God. Continue reading “The Satisfaction of God”

Love His Appearing

Road Rainbow

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (II Timothy 4:8)

When the Lord comes for us, will we “love his appearing“?

I believe the answer to that is based on our daily relationship to the Lord. Which, like any close relationship, involves our daily transparency and communion with Christ.

But how can we look forward, with joy, to seeing someone that we don’t know? Or, of whom we are afraid?

Continue reading “Love His Appearing”

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