
Eternal Approach


June 2020

Supernatural Work

White Rose Light Dew

Continue reading “Supernatural Work”

Reaching the Lost: Conclusion – The Work of the Holy Spirit

Father Boy Into the light

Continue reading “Reaching the Lost: Conclusion – The Work of the Holy Spirit”

Reaching the Lost

Crowd at Santa Monica Pier

Continue reading “Reaching the Lost”

Words Mean Things: Conclusion – If the Foundation is Destroyed

Ancient Scroll on Table

The answer to all this is common sense.

Over the last 5 years, many of these posts have discussed the Textus Receptus (Greek New Testament) and the Masoretic Text (Hebrew Old Testament). These are the preserved texts upon which we must base any translations that are made.

These are what have historically been called, the Received Text.

The only translation today, that is based solely on these texts is the King James Version. Whether you like that translation or not, it is an accurate one. And it is based on perfect copies of the original texts.

The preserved texts are copies of copies that God, in His sovereignty, has kept in accurate, word-for-word form. Supernaturally overseeing the copying process from one generation to the next.

Continue reading “Words Mean Things: Conclusion – If the Foundation is Destroyed”

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