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Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever. (I Peter 1:20-25)

In earlier posts, we’ve often discussed the doctrine of the Preservation of God’s word – of the specific written words. And we’ve talked about how Inspiration and Preservation are absolutely inseparable.

Because God would not go to all the trouble to divinely breathe out His perfect words to men and then allow those same words to somehow disappear from the earth. Or to suffer corruption in any way. Not leaving them to disappear due to the fallibility of men.

This would consign men to seek for God’s lost truth. Struggling, over the millennia, to locate and piece together some nebulous, vague text; and then, if some supposedly genuine text was found, to arrogantly call it “the Word of God”.

And then demand that men keep and follow every word God has commanded.

That would be a ridiculous thing for anyone to demand. To actually require belief in the inerrancy of such uncertain words. Words that God was supposedly unable to preserve; but which religious scholars were able to recover due to their great wisdom, intellect, and devotion.

Continue reading “Is Your Bible Perfect?”